The Official Website of the Bestselling Author
Trisha Hughes
Step into England's History

Victoria to Vikings
Book 2
The Circle of Blood
At the heart of our present are the stories of our past. In ages gone by, many monarchs died while they were still young. There were battles and diseases and many were simply overthrown. But the days of regal engagement in hand-to-hand combat are over and the line of succession has a good ageing prospect these days.
One of the most famous monarchs in history is Queen Victoria and her passing brought an end to an amazing era. She could be demanding, rude and frequently fled public duties for the solitude of Scotland. But she loved fiercely and her people loved her in return. Under her reign, England achieved a greatness it had never known before.
'Victoria to Vikings' spans from this great queen to another one - Queen Elizabeth II. Ours is the era of the longest living monarch in history and her ancestry is incredible. But walking two steps behind her, stalwart and loyal, stands Prince Philip, the strawberry to her champagne, and with him comes his own amazing Viking heritage.