The Official Website of the Bestselling Author
Trisha Hughes
David Baird - David's Book Blurb.
Vikings to Virgin
This is a historical fiction novel but only in the sense that the author has used dates/events to the best of her knowledge and research. I think what I loved about this book the most was how it’s presented. Rather than focusing on one person this book covers many and that made it different compared to anything else I’ve read.
Trisha Hughes ignites the flames of passion for history. A definite five stars.
Tony Riches - Author of the Tudor Series
Virgin to Victoria
I wasn't disappointed with this book, as Trisha's lively and engaging style takes us on a grand tour of those who enjoyed wearing the crown from 1559 to 1838. Although I'd say I'm well informed about Elizabeth, I doubt I'm alone in being less knowledgeable about her successors, so this book is an accessible way to understand how our history was shaped over those very different eras.
This is history with an enjoyable irreverence. The stories behind these monarchs are as strange as any you'll find in fiction, from Elizabeth's paranoia to King George III planting a juicy steak in the garden to see if it would grow. As Trisha Hughes says, 'these stories span hundreds of years of lust, betrayal, heroism, murder, cruelty and mysteries.' What more could you ask for? A definite 5 stars from me.
Over the Rainbow Book Blog
Victoria to Vikings
The author manages to cover a lot of history without it ever seeming to be rushed. Instead she manages to make learning very fun with all the fascinating historical details really adding to the story so that the reader can really envision it in their minds. I often felt like I was there alongside the characters experiencing everything first hand. 5 stars for me.
Writing with Wolves
Victoria to Vikings
The book covers so much information & with so much care & detail that I’m genuinely shocked that it isn’t up there with all the famous history books. Victoria to Vikings covers a long period of time so there is a lot to learn about, but the writing was super engaging & I thoroughly enjoyed it. 5 Stars
ChezMaximka Blogspot
Victoria to Vikings
Victoria to Vikings is a wonderful panorama of a book.
As a historical book, it is enormously entertaining. Hughes is a masterful storyteller, she has a great talent for putting a lot of data and information together in a very enticing, entertaining way. There are lots of facts on every page, but the narrative is never boring.
The narrative is vastly engaging but never dumbed down. It's a refreshing interpretation of the popular history, it's fast-moving, enlightening and enthralling.

David Baird - David's Book Blurb and Amazon Reviewer
I was immediately interested in reading Dragonfly as it’s a change in genre for the author who was more familiar to me as a historical fiction writer.. Will a mystery/thriller live up to the same standards...let's find out.
Jack Curtis an ex-police detective is about to have his night ruined when he receives a phone call from his friend Joe.. Joe’s fiancée is dead.
Things don’t add up from the start and Jack quickly decides he’s going to be involved one way or another.
A web of lies and deception is soon uncovered. The twist in this tale is just how far these deceptions go and how far will Jack go to uncover the truth... nothing is what it seems.
The author feeds you all the right words to make you feel you know the truth pretty early on..but wait a minute..that’s too easy right? There has to be more too it but what?.. oh trust me it’s worth the wait for the big reveal.
As a mystery/thriller goes this is really good, I must admit I didn’t really warm to Jack as quickly as I’d like.. There’s a lot of back story for the reader to follow and I needed time to learn his motivations but once I’d worked him out everything fell into place and I found myself connecting with Jack more and more.
If you are looking for intense build-up that drives you crazy this is the book for you..
I seriously hopes there’s more to come.

Steph - Amazon Reviewer
This is number one on my top shelf! You’re going to love Jack. You won’t want to put it down until you read the last word. I even caught myself talking to Jack. That’s how well it’s written. You feel part of Jack’s adventures! I 100% recommend it. And check out Trisha Hughes other published books, a rare and talented writer that will have you travel the world and time!
WriteGirlWrite - Amazon Reviewer
A great plot with plenty of unexpected twists combined with characters I want to know better. Win/win! Read it. You won't be disappointed.

Paul Bennett - Historical Fiction Reviews
Vikings to Virgin
As a student of history from across The Pond, I’ve always found the line of monarchs in Britain a confusing subject, and no wonder given a. that it’s not a subject given much attention in American history classes, and b. it is a rather confusing subject. So many changes in royal lines, so many with the same name, so many familial connections (I swear that John of Gaunt must have been related to the whole population of the British Isles).
So, it was a pleasure to read a book that not only was informative, shedding light, unraveling the confusion, but did so in a very entertaining fashion. One of my pet peeves is those who present history in a dry, witless fashion. Vikings to Virgin is a far cry from those boring texts as the author does a fine job in bringing this long and complicated history to life with a vibrant narrative. Detailed research is evident throughout the book giving the reader a full picture of the events and the larger than life people who sought for the crown of a kingdom seemingly in constant turmoil and uncertainty. A fascinating tutorial of the period of Cnute to Elizabeth, I’m looking forward to Book 2.
5 stars
Mary Anne Yarde - Author of the Du Lac Chronicles
Virgin to Victoria
Hughes’ book is tremendously ambitious, but she has pulled it off wonderfully. Virgin to Victoria is filled with fascinating facts, and also exciting conspiracy theories. This is not a dry, dusty book whose historical characters are one dimensional. Hughes has brought these men and women, of times gone by, back to life with her quick wit and beautiful prose.
Hughes looks at the events of this period with fresh eyes, and her writing is clear and conscientious. The stories she tells are fabulously descriptive, more than occasionally hilarious, as well as at times profoundly moving. But not only is this a wonderful look at the key players in this period of British history, what I liked about it the most was that it is also an immensely readable tale.
Between the pages of this book, you will read stories about the English monarchy, marriages, love, births, affairs, illegitimacy, power struggles, rebellion, war, dictatorship, religion, greed, laughter, hope, plagues, fire, and death. In fact, some of the stories you would expect to find in works of historical fiction not historical fact, for surely these stories cannot be true? This is no straight-laced retelling. This is England’s monarchy like you have never read about it before. Be prepared, the skeletons are well and truly out of the closet!
Virgin to Victoria is the gripping story of England’s history. Fabulously executed and a real treat for anyone interested in learning more about this fascinating era. I have awarded her the Gold Medal for Best Book of the Year in Historical Non-Fiction 2018. Well deserved 5 stars.
Paul Aubert- Amazon Reviewer
Daughters of Nazareth
Devouring this book in less than a day, I was embarrassingly brought to tears many times in a Melbourne coffee shop, as I tried to reconcile the warm, friendly, and upbeat Trisha, who I met recently while walking my dog, with the scared little girl abandoned completely by her family in 1960’s Australia.
Daughters of Nazareth is so much more than just a memoir...it is a book of triumph over adversity; incredible forgiveness; and more real life twists than could ever convincingly be made up.
If you read just one memoir in your life, this should be it!
E. Lewis - Amazon Reviewer
Daughters of Nazareth
Daughters of Nazareth is a very moving autobiography of Patricia Hughes, who recall the hardship of being brought up in the 50s by parents that both liked to drink, and at the age of four she is put into an orphanage run by nuns. Patricia was only there for a few months before her parents had her back, but sadly she was retuned to the orphanage permanently because of her fathers poor health and her mother became an alcoholic.
It is a well written heart breaking story that brought a tear to my eye a few times, and I really enjoyed it.